Snapshots to Photographs - Good books and sites for useful photography info

June 08, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Are you looking for some books on making better photographs?  Here are some references that have helped me quite a lot:

  • Learning to See Creatively (Design, Color & Composition in Photography) by Bryan Peterson, AMPHOTO Books
  • Understanding Exposure (How to shoot great photographs with a film or digital camera) by Bryan Peterson, AMPHOTO Books
  • The Simple Secret to Better Painting by Greg Albert, North Light Books

This last one is a very good explanation of composition for any artist working in two dimensional media.

If you can find it, the editors of Time-Life published the Life Library of Photography, a series of photography instruction books in the 1970s that were written by some of the best photographers of all time, although they are based on film. Titles include The Art of Photography, Photojournalism, Documentary Photography, Photographing Nature, Travel Photography, Caring for Photographs, Photographing Children, Color, and more. 

If you use Adobe Photoshop tools for your post-processing work, I like Philip Andrews’ books on how to use them.

Have you wondered about different cameras and how they compare?  Here’s a review site that is basically the “consumer reports” for digital cameras and even a few lenses.  There is a good user forum where you can learn a lot about cameras, lenses, and photographic techniques, although the people who frequent it are fairly intolerant of “newbies”.  You can learn a lot without asking any questions.

For a good place to ask questions of experienced amateurs and pros who are very willing to help, try the LinkedIn forums:

Do you sometimes wish you could get an unbiased opinion about why lenses for your DSLR differ so much in cost?  Would you like to get a good, unbiased comparison of “3rd Party” lenses?  While it started out reviewing Canon lenses, this site does a good job reviewing a lot of brands now.

A lot of people like the reviews at:

Would you like to use a lens for a vacation or a special event?  Maybe you would like to try a camera or lens before you buy.  I’ve bought a lens from this site and they are very reliable and fair.  They have a nice, unbiased one-paragraph review of almost everything they rent, too.

Are you getting small round shadows on your pictures?  Maybe you have some dust particles on your camera’s sensor.  Taking it to a camera store may be possible, but stores service departments are notoriously inconsistent and sending it off to the manufacturer may take a couple of weeks.  If you have a steady hand, here is an explanation of how you can clean your sensor yourself.

Where are the best places to buy camera gear? Try:

Adorama home page

The best place to go for technical explanations of artificial lighting is probably

If you’re a camera geek and want the best rumors about the cameras and lenses that will come out next, try

And here are some good tips about general camera maintenance:

Brian (the guy behind " also has a good article about processing pictures from your camera with this description about workflow:




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