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Visitors 14
Modified 26-Nov-21
Created 26-Oct-14
197 photos

I have tried to name many of the people in front of the Special Olympics backdrop but my list of names was out of synch with my photos at times. I apologize for any errors. Please let me know (you can use the contact link on this site) and I will make corrections.

You can order a print or download of these photos using teh "buy" button and I will donate any profits to Special Olympics from this collection. Copies of these photos with our company name on them are avaliable for download at no charge from the Special Olympics Illinois website.
Mr. and Mrs. SimsMr. and Mrs. GustafsonMr. and Mrs. Dave BreenMr. and Mrs. SmithMorfin, Barbara, BoddyMr. and Mrs. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. GossweinReningerReningersReningersMr. and Mrs. PasicMr. and Mrs. RossmarkKaren Wilson & Dan Doheny

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